1. FlannelDoormat April 25, 2008 @ 10:32 am

    The people that complain about eminent domain are the same people that complain about the highway needing to be expanded after they moved to the “country” with twenty thousand of their closest friends, or that complain about the noise when they buy a house near the airport.

    A responsible urban community maintains a regional planning commission of some sort, and the needs of the many must be considered for responsible growth (vs. urban sprawl). These commissions are in place to determine the balance of residential, commercial, and industrial development (including renovations).

    When a new subdivision springs up in a previously rural area, the residents are concerned with the local charm of their new neighborhood. It’s not long before they start complaining that their taxes are too high, because residential taxes need to be offset by commercial development taxes.

    Eminent domain of the 1950’s is what everyone thinks about, the big, bad government runs through the poverty-stricken areas of the city and runs the highway right through an otherwise stable neighborhood; which is true, that’s what happened. It is drastically different now, fair value means fair value.

    In my state (Wisconsin) the landowners are given a state-appointed appraisal of their property and structure holdings, and if they don’t agree that their interests are being fairly represented, then the property owner may have their property appraised by an appraiser of their own choosing, the costs of which will be paid for by the state.

    I’ve got opinions on each of your other topics as well, but I don’t have time to answer right now. This highway isn’t going to design itself, and I have to plan which nursing homes, trailer parks, daycares and cemeteries I need to condemn in order to build my detention ponds. By the way, you’re welcome for the miles and miles of safe, clean highways that allow you to live your individualistic single-occupancy vehicled lives, you bunch of ungrateful bastards.*

    *This is in no way directed at the author of today’s post, but rather is intended for the disgruntled population at large that so readily complains about the bad in government but never recognizes that the bodies are made of many people that actually try to improve the lives of others, not just demons with a fat checkbook.

  2. OceansOfThought April 25, 2008 @ 1:00 pm

    Let me just be clear about my post because there were questions about it.

    All my examples are about where the train has seriously fallen off the rails. In general I am against the taking of PRIVATE property, for PRIVATE commercial use. Take my house and put on it a IRS building. Fine. I grumble and yet, i’ll live. Take my house and then sell it to a golf course developer? Highways, airports, and so forth are not specifically commercial property (adopt a highway not withstanding.)

  3. On Why Electing Judges is Just Odd | Oceans of Thought June 13, 2008 @ 1:24 am

    […] not forget how unpopular those decisions are, or some are today. I site my own dislike of the eminent domain ruling as example. But even so, I believe that the judges involved arrived at their decision by the […]

  4. On Solving the Credit Crunch | Oceans of Thought June 25, 2008 @ 11:31 am

    […] it, it will not be spent.  It will be saved.  There are allot of reasons but let’s just be reasonable here.  If you are in debt, if there are collectors at the door, or you may be faced with not knowing if […]

On the Loss of Being Reasonable

Blubs of Verbs, Thought Crime, Truthiness Comments (4)

“There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future.” -Abraham Lincoln

As I am wont to do, I tend to look over old posts for other idea’s or maybe looking for something to more to add. As I’ve done so, I’ve come to an understanding of where I think i am going.

I tend to advocate or work within the sense of “reasonableness” in that, while people are apart on subjects, a reasonable, rationed argument can be brought to bare where both can be satisfied, at least in the short term.

I believe strongly in this theory, and one of my favorite stories is back in the old days, politics was not as bitter as it was today. No more than 20 years ago, you could be seen with a political opponent, go out , even have drinks after, because the work was left at work, but friendship and respect could continue after that.

This is not the case today (but it’s starting to come back). Being reasonable is not always compromising however, sometimes it’s looking at something from an angle that takes the differences away.

I’ll point out two of the arguments that usually have a strong opinion.

1. The 2nd amendment to the US constitution : The Right to bear arms. – You know what, if we get invaded, this will save our lives. I like guns, I want to learn to shoot them. I think everyone should have a healthy respect for the weapon. But again, why can’t you wait a week for a gun? really, if you want a gun TODAY, i want to be well away from you. A month is too long, that’s not reasonable. It’s the slippery slope argument, of course, but civilization is no longer the wild west. Saying criminals can get guns even with the wait is just the same as saying why have jails. After all, it doesn’t stop crime right? except it does make us safer from those repeat offenders.

2. Global warming: We can’t agree on whether it’s just an earthly cycle or global warming? Great, we can at least agree that a coal burning plant or 12 smoke stacks coming out of factory is probably bad. Again, just trying to be reasonable and reduce those emissions. It may just be a cycle of the planet, but i still don’t like a bright and sunny brown sky vs a blue one.

Now, of course, there is reasonable and somethings i consider pretty assassine:

1. The supreme court ruling on expanding Eminent domain.  Eminent domain is the ability for the government to take away things from private citizens for its use (with a “reasonable” ) compensation. After all, the most famous use is the highway project of old, which makes america and its remote quaint places so accessible.  Well, the new ruling added a new twist. The government can take away private land, for a commercial enterprise, in that the commercial enterprise can be deemed a public good. Like a shopping mall. Yeah. Read that again, a shopping mall.  A Park? everyone gets to use, a highway, I can drive it, even a military base, it protects all of us equally. A shopping mall?! Why not a theme park? we can all go there right? or a wine cellar? free wine . everyone? The ruling is stupid. I believe it’s stupid and for many reasons. Eminent domain should stay with the government, giving a clear benefit, to the people of the state(or federal or state ) and not purely commercial interests.
2. Logging: California is experiencing more and more forest fires. Way back in the early days of the administration, they came up with a very novel way to solve the problem. Increase the area and scope of logging. That’s right, to cut down on forest fires, they cut down the forests. I don’t even think it needs a thick description. What about the reduction of top spoil? the Barren lanscape? It took 100 + years for that tree to grow, does cutting down the rest of the forest really help stop it from burning?  Answer, yes, but the original reason you didn’t want it to burn was so there would BE a forest.  I know we need trees and what they make, but at least come up with a better reason to cut them all down.
3. Permanent Residence Immigration policy (American)Deportations are up in america. Not for illegal immigrants, but for legal ones. It turns out that no matter how long you’ve been here (the cases i’m referring to are actually based on people here like 10 years) and followed all the rules, if you’re citizen ship application gets rejected,you get deported. You’ve had a green card for years and pretty much, you were going to keep having that greencard. Your only wrong? Applying for citizenship. Why did you get rejected? Quota filled up. Do they give you back your greencard and say try again next year? No! They deport you! Really? I mean.. Really? What’s wrong with that picture?

4. Turns out the reason so many planes crash in south america is because certain elements remove the towers which tells planes where to go and what altitude to stay put at. Two words, Ground penetrating Radar. That’s something a government should subsidize instead of trekking into the jungle and rebuilding the towers.

5. Safety Circular Saw. (and other products to protect you). Most things that people make have to reach a certain level of safety. Saws are one such thing of course. Well, a safety saw was invented that -would not cut the skin-. It just won’t. It’s been tested, over and over and over and well, it just won’t. Why is it not in production? the people who make saws are blocking it. Why you ask? Because it turns out there is a quirk in the law that states, if there is a minimum safety level, it has to be followed. The safety saw is proof of concept, which would mean all saw manufactures would have to change all their circular saws. Apparently doing that cost too much money, so no go. You get to lose an arm in an industrail accident.

.These are just a few of the things that drive me batty in the world today. But then i’m young, maybe i just expect a little too much. I’ll wait and see if it gets better.

OceansOfThought @ April 25, 2008

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