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On Being Humane to Animals

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“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right….” Abraham Lincoln



We call ourselves that, but there is nothing sometimes human in what we do and treat animals.  This article is not about PETA, nor will i wax poetic about how we are destroying the earth, nor am I caring that I don’t offer a solution.  I’m just making a point. 


Think about this from the dog’s point of view, and I’m using dogs because i like dogs, but any animal will do.  After lives of abuse, where then they are rescued from a life of every lasting cruelty, most laws then require that the dog is then euthanized. How wonderful and humane of us, to save a creature from a life time of torment, so we can kill it as our final act of mercy. 


Go ahead, tell someone you saved from a serial killer that the best solution for them is to put down. You can’t call yourself human and have that conversation. 


Let’s just be serious with ourselves, the humane part comes in what we feel when we are done, when we can cry and tell ourself that the creature is no longer in pain.  Humane doesn’t do a damn thing for the dog. 


OceansOfThought @ February 2, 2008

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