1. On Civilian Oversite of the Armed Forces | Oceans of Thought March 16, 2008 @ 11:11 pm

    […] and the last ultimate travesty, a failure to actually advise.   I wrote a while back on how I absorb the news.  Today I shall update it with a small note: News five years later, is clarified and fixed and […]

  2. On Our Goverment Acting like a Spoiled Child | Oceans of Thought June 29, 2008 @ 10:59 pm

    […] enforce (more, the executive branch) and the other is about News, and when you really should review it.  One will note this was a year ago, so it falls into the story is obviously crock (the one last […]

On News One Believes

Life Lessons Comments (2)

He who molds the public sentiment… makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make. – Abraham Lincoln


An article in in a university magazine recently pointed out that most people don’t believe what they hear, and read in the news. If you cannot see the Irony in that, I perhaps need to start writing something else, or maybe somewhere else, but you defiantly need to start reading something else, because I’m clearly speaking above you.

Personally, as a news junkie who will go back to news stories even years later, I believe a few things.

  1. What News you heard today, will, and I underline that, be corrected tomorrow.
  2. An News on what happened yesterday is more accurate than the News report of the same day as the event.
  3. The News of what Happened a week ago, is believable.
  4. The News report of what happened a year ago is total crock. Too much hang-wringing, litigation for defamation and retractions, not to mention the editorial pen of hindsite has made anything useful, useless.
  5. The News tries to define your focus, if you let that become influence, that’s your damn fault. Don’t blame others because you’re too inane to form an opinion yourself.
  6. The more witnesses to an event, the greater the number of conspiracies. They are not all wrong, they just can’t be all right.


OceansOfThought @ January 11, 2008

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