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On Stuff People Eat

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Red meat is not bad for you.  Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you!  ~Tommy Smothers


Among the insatiable desires we, as humans have, is the need to constantly change and rework our food.  I marvel at the culinary delights we concoct, and just the natural ones. I’m not even going to go in to the lime green, day glow, chemical ones we also love

*shout out to Jello.*


Still, every so often I am struck -usually over dinner- about how odd it is I’m eating something, or something I’m eating is actually edible.  Let’s examine a few:


Coffee: Someone thought it was a good idea to ground up beans (mind you, black, dark beans instead of nice green beans) instead of eating them, and wait, pour water over this ground up soup…, and drink it!  Really?  A vile, bitter tasting stuff which tastes like licking the bottom of burnt wood?  Here…, taste this, isn’t this awful?


Blow fish: Who’s the second person to try this? If you don’t know, blow fish has a deadly nerve toxin.  I bet the first person didn’t know that.  Or the second, but really, how hungry do you have to be to keep trying to eat the damn thing?  Sure, put it on your spear and stab someone. However…, eat it? Really?!


Still, these are but two examples of things that I find interesting… the other? Deep fried Twinkies.


Nuff said.


OceansOfThought @ March 30, 2009

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