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The Will of the Voter and Credit Crisis

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I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed.” – Abraham Lincoln

Let’s talk about the will of the voter, and their ability to understand.  Many people like to talk about the will of the Voter, yet our founding father didn’t trust the average voter.  They feared the Tyranny of the Majority.  This is one of the why we have an electoral college, so the majority of the large states couldn’t overpower the smaller states. This is also why the Senate has two votes, no matter the size of the state. 

But what about other things were the voter was clearly wrong, but it takes  strong leadership (and very bitter pills) to pass some of of the most controversial laws and rules we’ve had in this 20th century?

The Civil War and Civil Rights Laws come to mind easily.  But race is the easy thing to pick on, sometimes, it takes strength to ignore the Voters and do what’s right.  Some people think this “Rescue/Bailout” is a good idea.  Certainly the treasury think so.  95 Democrats and A 135 Republicans don’t think you should overcome the will of the voters. (btw, incase this is making you confused, the Voters don’t want the bailout)

Let’s get something clear. This page is against the rescue plan or bail out-or whatever you want to call it today. As we stated a while a go, a mass infusion of funds is needed,  stiff policies  and better regulatory rules updated for todays complicated credit markets, and this fascination we have for living beyond our means [debt.]

*and back on track*

IF we are going to continue being a nation who adds debt to our version of capitalism, then this credit crisis needs fixing. Going against the will of the voters is sometimes necessary and better in the long run with careful planning and without partisan bickering. But in this case, the voters are right. Let’s fix this from the root, not fix the corporations.

Let’s get to it.

OceansOfThought @ October 1, 2008

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