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On Living in the Past, Metaphysically Speaking.

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The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” -Albert Einstein

Naturally, there was some confusion with this post; The one about time. What was I really saying? Let me clarify.  The Speed of Light is awesome, but it limits our world and we’ve used it to limit ourselves. We’ve defined it as the benchmark of time when it itself is an artifical measure.  We’ve stated that nothing can move faster than light, there are many reasons but one is that time would slow down. I disagree Time doesn’t slow down…, we just don’t get a return we can observe. In effect, we are trapped at seeing something’s last returned state. 

Light therefore traps our known universe, locking it in the past.   

It gets confusing. So I shall Illustrate. 

I have a Cup, it has two states: red and green.  First it flashes red, then it flashes white, then red, then white, etc every 30 seconds. It’s at the distance of the sun away from me, so its light, or the reflection of light from the cup’s surface takes 8 minutes to get to me, on earth. It’s flashing. I can see the cup flashing and changing colors, but, really i’m seeing what it was 8 minutes ago.

If that cup moved faster than light (let’s just say it could.) and was white. let’s say it takes 35 seconds to travel the “8 min” distance (clearly faster than light)  It would be on my desk  35 seconds later and be red. 

Here i would have a cup, red infront of me. And yet, if i looked out to the sun, i would see a White cup. I would continue to see a white , red, white, red cup for 8 whole minutes!  One could say the cup would exist in two places. But it doesn’t. It really exists on my table.  The one i observe, way out there, is a ghost, not real, and doesn’t exist.  Every instrument I have, would record the cup in both places, until, yes, 8 minutes+” 35 seconds later. 

For the cub here? It has moved into the “future” a time before it has “moved” from the sun.  It could wait another 35 seconds and then go back to the original position and be red.  When observed from our end, it would have disappeared for 70 some seconds. 

This is why i say that things possibly move faster than the speed of light, we have no means to record or measure it.  Nothing we observe is real “time”  The dimension we live in is one of the past, not even current.  The actual “real” locations and state of things in timespace,(4th and 5 dimensions) is generally (without some serious math) unknown to us. 

Until we can tap subspace, we will never be able to accurately find something that moves faster than light. Thou I’m sure we can see the effects of it on our space, and probably do.  One effect is A Black Hole (gravity).  At the Event Horizon, some say Time is stopped.  Well, obviously it isn’t.  In effect, things falling to a blackhole past the event horizon exceed the speed of light, but we can’t see them moving. There is no “return” further more, any method we currently use wouldn’t be able to escape the black hole either. 

Wait, you say, what about that dark matter, that’s stopping Light from moving faster. Well, as I’ve said, gravity of such density as that warps space time. two things can be happening. A) if it stretches it, then the dark Matter is further spread out, allowing more space for light to pass. or B) the Dark matter itself moving faster than light, is accelerated further by gravity of the black hole’s singularity and changes the constant of “c”

Obviously this is all theoretical and one theory among dozens.  But there is still truths.  We don’t have the instruments to observe faster than light travel as it happens. Not yet. But we do have the ability to see the result of it.  We just have to figure out what we are looking for:  Two cups, but only one really exists. 

One key is measuring Gravity.  All things of mass give off a gravity field (and if big enough warp space). By measuring the gravity displacement of space of where the cup was, I would have been able to tell it’s not there anymore,  Just like in water.  But I am back to a problem. From earth, it would take 16 minutes for me to get that reading. Time to send out a reading and for the measurement to return.  We would get a reading of “not there” even thou the cup has returned only 70 seconds after it left.

To be able to figure out that the cup moved and returned, i would have to have been taking a reading of the entire solar system at the time. Yes that’s right, Observe Outside the bubble.  I would see the cup, move locations. Yes it would have moved faster than light but I wouldn’t be guessing at it’s location as I would have been taking a reading of the complete system. So yes, it’s hard to get a accurate reading of our dimension of 3+1 (x, y, z + time) from inside this dimension. 

We never see the universe for what it is, because we are always seeing the past. That is what being beholden to light does to us.



OceansOfThought @ August 21, 2008

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