1 Comment

  1. FlannelDoormat July 21, 2008 @ 4:13 pm

    I doubt it’s a suprise that I’m one of the people that make others get lunch. My theory is that I need to eat EVERY DAY. At 32, I’ve got a minimum of 35 years of full-time work ahead of me; I’ve got time to have lunch. There will be another deadline I’m rushing to meet after this one, and there will certainly be other projects of top priority. With friends or by myself, the one-hour midday break it’s a regenerative portion of my every day.

On being too busy for Lunch

Commentary, Life Lessons Comments (1)

We are too busy for lunch. I have come to this conclusion after failing to do something I have written in my hand twice today. This is just as impactful because I wrote it all last week.
“Get lunch”

I know there are people who schedule lunch. Infact there are people I cannot speak with during their lunch hour. They flatly refuse to acknowledge anything work related. –
I’d like to point out none of these people bother me during lunch so that is equally fair.-

I find scheduling lunch silly. Mostly because I can’t hope to stick to that schedule. I run behind getting lunch because there is work to be done and work that must be done.

If someone brings me lunch then I am good. If I am required to get lunch it will not happen for hours. I have noticed this with the really hard workers in my office. I find a desk lunch distasteful but it has to be done.

However I have also noticed that there are people who make you get lunch, who make you take a break.I have never regretted taking lunch at those times.

We need more of those people. We need to take lunch.

I’m even too busy for Lincoln quotes.

OceansOfThought @ July 21, 2008

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