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On Why Any Education is Better Than None

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The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.– Abraham Lincoln

Soon enough you’ll hear a story that you want to be false.  This involves usually horrific things (like fathers keeping their children in basements and getting them significant children. ) I bring you another.  Incase you can’t ready the link, the article is about a group of Highschool Kids  in Gloucester, Massachusetts who allegedly made a pact to get pregnant, and raise their children together. 17 are confirmed pregnant). Now, i don’t know if the pact is true which is why i’m not really commenting on it, but more on the state of the human condition which makes such acts possible. 

I have but one phrase:  WTF!!!!

It’s just a fact the more something is restricted, the temptation to do it is there. Because you have to experience what you’re missing.  The temptation rises if you can recover from it without permanent damage, never mind the damage you do to the people and world around you.  Still, i wonder what would possess 17 people, well, children, to go thur this.  It’s Odd.  It’s demographically weird.  All 17 of those children can’t be from the same background, same teaching, same values.

What makes disparate people do the things they do will always remain a mystery.  That a man in Texas and one in London like dressing in woman’s clothing, odd but ok. DO what you do!.  But when these girl in Mass are so close (and not in a cult) do something which is so clearly outside not only the social norm, but so potentially destructive, that i’d be interested in hearing.

I do not believe there is any training, abstinence program, positive sex teaching program, et. al.  that would have prevented something like this, unless, in interviews, these children all really think oddly, weirdly or are  under a universal misconception (sorry, the pun) of the facts of pregnancy.

But then, i think education about any controversial subject helps people make informed decisions, be it sex, drugs and alcoholic, or religion;  yup, the big three American taboos.  At least that way i know you made an informed decision, not an ignorant one.

OceansOfThought @ June 20, 2008

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