1. FlannelDoormat April 22, 2008 @ 10:17 am

    A twist on Machiavelli: even if the initial focus is on money, it’s possible to combine profits with doing good.


  2. pr9000 April 24, 2008 @ 11:57 am

    I seriously second your reasons why biking to work isn’t always practical. The best bike-to-work scenario I’ve ever had involved an advertising agency in Chicago that gave employees a heavily subsidized membership to one of the best health clubs in town — and one that was located directly behind the agency’s offices.

    I would bike seven miles to the club, shower and change, then walk the bike across the street to work.

    It was perfect. I still miss those days … well, the biking part of it anyway. :)

  3. OceansOfThought April 26, 2008 @ 7:48 pm

    I missed biking to work too. I don’t miss getting hit on my bike. Boston drivers truely do suck. I caught a post from an interesting fella, so i updated the article.

On Being Green (Hulk Style)

Blubs of Verbs Comments (3)

… no other human occupation opens so wide a field for the profitable and agreeable combination of labor with cultivated thought, as agriculture.- Abraham Lincoln

On this Earth Day I’d like to ask a question. How green are you?

Me? I’m green with anger and resentment that i keep being asked how green i am. To put it mildly, I’m not, and i don’t give a damn. I’m not saying don’t save the planet, nor am i against using different types of plastics, ones that disintegrates in 4 months not 40,000 years.

I will recycle plastics, water, paper. I will coddle a baby panda and wish there were more bald eagles. But i seriously don’t give a damn about being “green“. It’s now become a new marketing buzz like transfat and low carb and earth day.

When was the last time you celebrated earth day! Yes, i’m pointing at you, who just got your cloth bag from whole foods and now want me to be a flip flop hippy freak. Put your cloth bag down and save the planet by inventing a better engine to stop clogging my lungs with smog from the bus i’m behind. Design something better than a BIGGER airplane that carries WAY too much people. How about a company that will stop shipping me large boxes for small stuff, or put strobe lights on Mountain is South America so that pilots stop flying into them! I will not bike to work, it makes me sweaty for meetings, and i smell like car fumes; remove the radiation from my hair and get the Teflon out of my blood!


Admittedly, i am ranting at the green, suddenly gas friendly, better air quality freaks out there now that someone has realized how to make money from it. We should have been saving the plant years ago, not just because gas is now $3.50 a gallon.

While watching TV, I saw a commercial with the current speaker of the house at the time of this writing, Nancy Pelosi (D) and a past speaker of the house, Newt Gringrich (R). They implored me to contact my leaders to help combat climate change and work on developing cleaner forms of energy.


Seriously? did my leaders make a commercial telling me to contact my leaders to make the world better and safer?!

Stop asking me if i’m green and just BE green! 


[Update]  Glad I’m not the only one who see’s this ploy.


OceansOfThought @ April 22, 2008

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